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This site is packed full of practical information about ​saving and investing tailored to the Kenyan market.

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Creating Wealth begins with financial ​education, invest in yourself and see your ​personal finance THRIVE

Anne Wambui Gaitha

CEO, Regal Africa Group

Start Learning


Your path to financial success has a few stops. These stops will ensure that you understand how to ​get to your destination faster and without the obstacles that occur when you don’t know better.

Use this page to navigate the site and find what you are looking for


Jar glass jug money with grow tree target saving earning

What is saving?

Is setting aside money from your income for future use. Essentially when ​we save money we put in a safe place that is accessible for when we need ​it later.

Why do we save?

We save because in the future we will want and need things that require ​money. These may be future purchases/ expenses or emergencies. ​Therefore savings help us address the short term goals that arise in life.

To save effectively it’s important to have clearly set goals so that savings ​act​u​ally cover the expenses they are planned ​for.

Examples of things to save for/ sa​vings goals to have include:

  • Emergency fund (3-6 mo​nths of expenses)
  • Purchase of house​hold items; electronics, furnit​ure
  • Quarterly expenses like school fees​
  • Annual expenses like insurance
  • Holidays like Christmas and​ vacations
  • Future investments (purchase of shares, stocks and bonds)

how to save money

People approach saving differently. Some do it before expenses while some do it after expenses. You must have ​heard the phrase “Pay Yourself First”. It refers to the principle that you need to prioritize saving a portion of ​your income before you pay bills or any other expenses. This is the ideal situation but life doesn’t fall within the ​ideals so sometimes its necessary to save what’s left after. The main point is to ensure saving gets done.

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You do not rise to the level ​of your goals. You fall to ​the level of your systems.

James Clear

What systems can you put in place to ensure you save?

  1. Know what your income vs expenses are; If you earn KES 30,000 and your ​expenses(rent, food, transport, fun) are KES 25,000 it means you have KES 5,000 that ​can be saved.
  2. Com​pare your goals with your income and expenses to see if what you have left will ensu​re you achieve your goals or if you need to increase it. I want to buy a phone wort​h KES 25,000 in October, and save for Christmas spending worth KES 15,000. This mean​s I need KES 40,000 by December. With 12 months in a year you can save KES 4,00​0 a month and achieve your goals.
  3. Set​ up the savings account where the savings will be held and earn enough interest to beat​ the 7%-8% inflation in Kenya so your money does not loose value.
  4. If ​you can automate the savings do so to ensure you continue saving.
  5. Alt​ernatively if you cannot automate join an accountability group so that the group prom​pts you to continue saving.

Where to save money

Bank/Mshwari ​account

Having a savings account in ​the same place where you do ​the bulk of your transactions is ​usually the easiest option but ​the ease of access and low ​interest doesn’t make them a ​good option.

Account Detail and saving accounts
Financial success concept with return on investment growing

Money Market Fund ​account

MMF accounts are the easiest places to ​save money due to the ease of access, ​high interest and the low risk that ​comes with how all MMF’s are setup.

Sacco account

The primary focus of sacco ​savings accounts is to build up ​savings to get the loan you ​want. In recent times saccos ​have managed to provide high ​interest on deposits but low ​accessibility limits the kind of ​savings you can keep in it.

The best place to save money in Kenya

What is a money market fund?

A Money Market Fund (MMF) is a unit trust that invests in different low-risk, short-term asset classes. Let’s break this down:

  • Unit trust - an investment fund that pools money from many investors and uses this money to invest in different assets.
  • Low-risk - an investment with minimal chance of loss
  • Short-term asset classes - are investments that are only available for 3 months - 1 year.

So simply put a MMF is a pool of many people’s money that gets invested in assets that mature within a year or less and ​whose chances of loss are low.


How does it work?

A MMF has four different parties involved in its ecosystem: a fund manager, a custodian, a trustee, and an auditor.

The Fund Manager: In Kenya, this is the Capital Markets Authority which licenses and regulates this registered company. The ​fund manager creates an investment portfolio and makes investments on behalf of its investors.

The Custodian: A custodian, often a bank, keeps the money on behalf of investors until the fund’s management makes an ​investment choice. The custodian then releases the investment amount per the fund policy.

The Trustee: The trustee ensures that the custodian and fund manager are held responsible for the decisions made ​surrounding the fund. They watch for financial misconduct and act as the MMFs’ watchdogs.

The Auditor: The auditor reviews the fund’s financial statements; investors then use these to assess how the MMF performs.

Due to these checks and balances MMFs are considered a low-risk investment as the likelihood of all these safeguards failing ​is low.

The best place to save money in Kenya CONT’D

Where do MMFs invest

The Pros and Cons of saving with a MMF

The fund invests in:

  • Commercial Paper – These are ​short-term debt instruments ​companies issue to finance their ​short-term cash flow needs.
  • Treasury bills (T-bills) – These are ​paperless short-term borrowing ​instruments issued by the ​Government through the Central ​Bank of Kenya to raise money on a ​short-term basis
  • Fixed deposits – These are financial ​instruments banks offer that give ​investors a higher interest rate than ​a regular savings account until ​maturity.

The fund manager researches the ​market decides on an investment and ​has the funds transferred by the ​custodian. As the investment earns ​interest that interest is divided among ​each of the investors depending on ​their investment.


Option Arrows Concept


A couple of things must be considered when choosing a MMF to invest and ​save with. These are divided into 2. The due diligence we are always told to ​undertake before investing in anything and the T&Cs that differ with each ​company.

Due Diligence

  • Regulation - Does the Capital Markets Authority regulate the MMF; this ​means that it has the 4 parties discussed above and also the additional ​oversight provided by CMA.
  • Performance Record - how has the MMF performed over the past 5 years, ​have they been consistent, are they at par with others in the industry
  • Average returns - the average return for funds in the Kenyan market has ​been 7% and above with some getting as high as 16% recently but we advise ​caution when investing with those making very high returns as they are ​taking​ higher risks
  • Assets invested in - MMFs typically invest in the same ​asset classes however, some do take more risks than others. A good​ fund manager follows the rule of not having more than 25% of their inves​tments in one asset so in case of anything there ​i​s a balance

Terms and Conditions (T&Cs) ​

Terms and Conditions are the requirements that each company sets as the bare minimum for anyone who wants to open an ​account. These requirements vary from company to company but are designed to safeguard the company and you the ​account holder. ​

MMF Name

Minimum ​investment

Minimum top up

Management fees

Withdrawal timelines

Monthly statements


Ksh. 5,000

Ksh. 1,000

2% annually

2-4 days

Email & Self service Portal


Ksh. 2,500

Ksh. 1,000

2% annually

3 days

Self service


Ksh. 500


2% annually

<10,000 24 hours

Self service portal

Lofty Corban

Ksh. 1,000

Ksh. 1,000

2% annually

2-4 days


C​harges applied

  • The companies need to make money so they charge you a management fee. This fee is applied to the interest made when ​the funds invest. So if they make 16% in the market they take 2% and give you a final interest of 14%
  • The government also needs to make money so they charge you 15% withholding tax on the interest you earn

In other words, your principal (what you save) remains intact and any charges are made on the interest earned. Therefore the ​on​ly charges you directly incur are transaction charges (MPESA or Bank transaction costs)

Opening a Savings Account

To open a savings account you have done your due diligence research on the company and it fulfils the requirements ​listed, you have also checked their T&Cs and found a company whose conditions you prefer. Finally you understand the ​charges you will incur.

As the customer/account holder, your role is to sign up by filling in the form and providing the documents requested. ​These documents are called KYC (Know Your Customer) they include copies of your ID, KRA PIN, and bank account ​details. Once done, you deposit the minimum investment amount and start saving daily, weekly, monthly or however ​often you have the funds. In case you need it you can withdraw the funds within 48hrs and you will receive your funds plus ​the interest earned for the time you invested.

PesaPlan Savings Challenges

Signup for PesaPlan Youth by ​opening an account with ICEA Lion ​today by following the link below.

(Allows a KES 500 minimum deposit)

Signup for PesaPlan1000 by opening an ​account with either of the three fund ​managers by following the link below

(Allows a KES 1,000 minimum deposit)

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Wealthy couple leaving limousine.

PesaPlan ​Investor

Creating wealth,

to help you

live your dreams.

Start Investing​

Understanding Investing

What is investing?

Investing is putting money into financial schemes (unit trusts) and assets (stocks, property, businesses) expecting a ​positive return. The positive returns come in the form of income generated from the investments and/or ​increase/appreciation in value of the investment.

Put simply investing is when you put KES 100,000 in an investment and get 14% interest resulting in KES 192,000 in 5 years

Another familiar example is when you buy land for KES 250,000 and sell it for KES 400,000 after 5 years

Why do we Invest?

We invest because we want to create wealth for ourselves and our children by multiplying the money we have. Investing is ​done to ensure we achieve our bigger goals in life. These big goals are the ones that make up our dreams. They include

  • Home ownership (whether buying or building)
  • Educating children to university/college level
  • Taking care of aging parents
  • Taking a career/ business break for 6months - 1year to travel
  • Building your passion project
  • Retirement with a similar or better standard of living than you currently have
  • Leaving an inheritance for your dependents
Concept Image of Wealth

Principles of Investing


We invest based on the potential ​for future growth or income, ​therefore a certain level of risk is ​associated with investing.

The price of a stock may fall, the ​interest earned may be lower or ​none at all.


Investing in its nature is ​designed to be more fruitful ​when done for the long term.

Consequently, the sooner you ​begin investing the better as ​you money has more time to ​grow.


Never invest in something that ​you do not understand.

Learning about investment ​options ensures you are a smart ​investor who does not get ​scammed


Investing requires the ​consistent commitment of ​money to the goal of growth.

You also need to hold on when ​things get tough knowing that ​there will be highs and lows

How to invest in kenya

Identify your big goals/dreams

It is impossible to get to a place if you don’t know where that destination is. You need to have clarity ​about what you want and when you want it. I want to own my own home in the next 10 years

Put a price tag on your dreams

Every goal/dream will cost money to achieve therefore come up with the estimated cost of each of your ​dreams . My own home will cost KES 7 million.

Crunch the numbers

It will take an investment of KES 30,000 a month earning 14% interest annually to get KES 8 million in 10 ​years. This means that you need to evaluate you finances to free up KES 30,000 to invest monthly​

Determine your risk tolerance

Understand if you area high risk/ high reward investor (you may loose your capital and interest or gain ​high interest and keep your capital) or a low risk/low reward (keep your capital but have low interest )

Select an investment and stic​k with it

Find an investment that meets your needs for a minimum interest of 14% annually and risk tolerance and ​the​n stay the course for the 10 years.

Real estate sign indicating sold house


Ownership of land and/or ​property that can ​generate income and ​appreciate in value

Planning and Strategy Financial Portfolio and Assets Manager Analyzing . Fundamental and Technical Analysis Concept.

Collective investment ​schemes where investors ​money is pooled and ​interests paid out


What to consider when choosing an investment

Various investment options in the marketplace can help you create wealth but ​before you jump in consider if an investment fits your needs in these categories

  1. Your initial investment amount - most investments have a minimum e.g. you can ​only buy 100 shares so if 1 share costs KES 150 then you need KES 15,000
  2. How often you intend on adding/topping up your investment
  3. Your risk tolerance - high, medium, low risk
  4. Your time horizon for investment - are you starting early and have 20+ years or ​are you 5 years away from retirement
  5. The Return on Investment you would like to achieve - what would be the ideal ​amount of interest that you investment will earn to achieve the goal

In​vesting requires diversification

There is no best or better when it comes to investing just if it satisfies your need as ​an investor. That is why you are advised to diversify your investments and create a ​portfolio (collection of investments) that has a mix of low, medium and high risk ​investments.

Concept of decision making


An Investment Portfolio is a collection of all the investments you have. It is ​designed to enable you to see your investments in totality and adjust them ​as circumstances change.

An example of a diversified portfolio is as shown here:

  • Unit trusts
  • Managed funds
  • Real Estate (land and property)
  • Real Estate Investment Trusts (REIT’s)
  • Alternative Investments

A good portfolio for beginner and intermediate investors should:

  • safeguard your capital by investing in low and medium-risk investments
  • allow you to invest in large assets classes like real estate with as little as ​KES 5,000 a month
  • expose you to different asset classes without the restrictive time frames
  • balance the returns of income and appreciation in value ensuring that ​you can tick of the mid term goals while growing for the long term


Professionally Managed Funds

There may not be one best investment account but a great place to start is with professionally managed funds. Unit ​Trusts as they are well known allow you to invest in the major asset classes but with a lot more flexibility (you can ​withdraw from a fund much easier than you can sell a bond or shares on the market as an individual) and safety.

The peace of mind that comes with having a fund manager responsible for the day to day decisions is priceless.

Money Market Funds

Low risk investments that are distributed into fixed ​deposits, treasury bills and commercial debt

Equity Funds

High risk investments that are focused on buying ​and trading stocks in the Kenyan market

Balanced Fund

Medium risk investment fund that combines high ​and low risk investments to ensure a balance of ​returns

Bond funds

Low risk investment fund that buys and sells bonds ​in the Kenyan market giving you a good return but ​with high liquidity


Real Estate Investment Trusts (REIT’s)

Nothing excites Kenyans as much as owning land and property. Having a home of your own plus a few rental units is the ​dream of many. However, when you are just starting it may not be possible due to the capital-intensive nature of real ​estate. That is why we recommend real estate investment trusts (REIT’s)

REIT’s are a regulated investment vehicle that enables people to collectively contribute money for the purchase of shares ​in a trust that is divided into units to earn profits or income from real estate as beneficiaries of the trust. REIT’s come in 2 ​forms Development REIT or Income REIT. The D-REIT is where investors funds are invested in the development and ​construction of real estate. The I-REIT invests in purchasing shares in completed real estate projects.

Beginner and Intermediate investors are more inclined to the I-REIT because you can build up the minimum investment of ​KES 100,000 annually over the course of 12 months. Returns come in the form of dividends from rental income and ​appreciation of the value of the shares that can be sold

To invest in the VUKA I-REIT from Acorn Holdings click here

Arrow Right


To open an investment account you have done your due diligence research on the company and it fulfils the ​requirements listed, you have also checked their T&Cs and found a company whose conditions you prefer. Finally, you ​understand how the investment works and the charges you will incur.

You will need to fill in the form and provide the necessary KYC documents. The KYC (Know Your Customer) documents ​include copies of your ID, KRA PIN, and bank account details. Once done, you deposit the minimum investment amount ​and start saving daily, weekly, monthly or however often you have the funds.

In the Kenyan market, as at May 2024 Money Market Funds are currently giving the best returns for a low-risk ​investment. As such we recommend that all beginner and intermediate level investors should invest in high interest ​generating MMF’s now while the market is doing well.

Listed below you will find details about 6 money market funds currently running in Kenya. Follow the links in the last ​column to open your account


Money ​Market Fund ​Name

Effective ​Annual Yield ​as at ​02/09/24

Minimum ​investment

Minimum ​top up

Management ​fees

Withdrawal ​timelines

Monthly ​statements

Account opening Link

Lofty ​Corban


Ksh. 1,000

Ksh. 1,000

2% annually

2-4 days


Nabo ​Capital


Ksh. ​100,000

Ksh. ​10,000

2.5% ​annually

2-4 days


Email ​



Ksh. 2,500

Ksh. 1,000

2% annually

3 days

Self service ​portal



Ksh. 5,000

Ksh. 1,000

2% annually

2-4 days

Email & Self ​service Portal



Ksh. 500


2% annually

<10,000 24 ​hours

Self service ​portal




Ksh. 1,000

1.5% annually

2 days

Self service ​portal & Mobile ​App

Email ​

PesaPlan Investor; Invest with any of our licensed fund managers

Get in touch

Phone number

+254 0714 009065

Email Address

Physical Address

Regal Africa Group

Top Plaza, 4th Flr

Kindaruma Road